We’re Dallas Bus Accident Lawyers

Why hire the Corbett & Corbett LLP if you are injured in a bus accident?

  • We are aggressive
  • We are knowledgeable
  • We are skilled
  • We are hardworking
  • We don’t collect unless we get you compensated

Many people are injured and killed when bus accidents occur.  That’s because buses usually carry many people, e.g., school buses, city buses, passenger buses, etc.  Additionally, buses are large heavy pieces of equipment that cause a lot of property damage and bodily injury.

In 2009, there were 56,000 bus accidents according to the United States Department of Transportation.  9000 injuries and 221 fatalities occurred from these bus accidents.  Many of these accidents occurred because of negligence.

Specifically, bus accidents are caused by:

  • Driver fatigued
  • Driver distraction
  • Reckless driving
  • Intoxicated driving
  • Inexperienced drivers
  • Faulty buses and equipment

When bus accidents occur, the victims must be diligent about finding a Dallas bus accident attorney that is familiar with bus accidents, accident reconstruction, federal law, etc.

Our Dallas bus accident attorney is aggressive and experienced when representing accident victims.  He doesn’t take any stuff from insurance companies.  PERIOD!

Our motto is we are small enough to focus on your individual case but large enough to fight like “you know what” until we get you fair representation.

Do not discuss your case with bus company’s insurance adjuster.

DON’T Delay!  Call Dallas bus accident attorneyAugustus Corbett TODAY.