dallas police brutality lawyer

Hire the legal team that has actually and personally been the victim of police misconduct.

The work we do battling police brutality

Police officers swear to protect and serve American citizens. Many officers attempt to abide by this duty. However, far too many police officers disregard their duty and harm the very people they swore to serve and protect. This breach shatters public trust, causing people to have great skepticism for cops.

Police brutality not only shatters public trust; it also shatters lives. That’s because the law grants police officers enormous authority, power, and dangerous equipment to carry out their duty. They carry sidearms, billy clubs, tasers, and other weapons that can kill or maim. This authority, power, and dangerous equipment in the wrong hands can cause lots of human suffering.

Our Dallas police brutality attorney handles all types of police brutality cases. We aggressively hold police accountable when they exceed the law and harm people illegally and needlessly. We also hold accountable municipalities that fail to train, supervise, or fire bad cops.

Police brutality comes in many forms. The list below provides a few ways police brutality occurs including improper use of deadly force, improper use of non-deadly force, overly violent and aggressive arrest techniques, dangerous police chases, etc.

Know that if you or a family member has been a victim of police brutality, your civil rights have been violated, and you may have a case. Don’t let them get away with brutalizing you or a family member. The law protects you from police misconduct, and we can help!

If you have questions about your police brutality case, call Corbett & Corbett today for an evaluation.

Call our Dallas police brutality attorney today at (469) 726-2626

don’t wait any longer

our dallas police brutality lawyer holds law enforcement accountable

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