We love sitting down and talking with potential clients

Due To COVID-19, we’re conducting all consultations via Zoom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between A Consultation and Nonrefundable Retainer Fee?

The consultation fee is the amount we charge non-clients for an hour of initial consultation, whereas, the nonrefundable retainer fee is the amount we charge to take on a new client. We require the consultation fee when the non-client schedules the meeting. We require theĀ nonrefundable retainer fee when the new client signs the fee agreement.

Why We Charge A Consultation Fee

We offer an initial telephone consultation free. However, we charge an office consultations for several reasons. First, having a criminal or family law case is a serious matter. Your liberty, property, lifestyle, children, or even your physical life may be at stake. You need thorough, critical and correct information. You get that at our office consultations.

Second, during the office consultation, we do several things:

  1. we gather enough preliminary information to do an early case assessment;
  2. we answer all your legal questions and explain your rights;
  3. we discuss a legal strategy to achieve the desired outcome; and
  4. we offer initial legal advice based on the information you provide.

Additionally, if you retain us after the office consultation, you must pay a nonrefundable retainer fee; however, we apply the consultation fee towards your nonrefundable retainer fee. For example, if your nonrefundable retainer fee is $2500, we deduct the consultation fee from the $2500.

How Much Is The Nonrefundable Retainer Fee

We base our nonrefundable retainer fees on several factors suggested by the Texas Bar:

  1. The time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to perform the legal service properly;
  2. The likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other employment by the lawyer;
  3. The fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services;
  4. The amount involved and the results obtained;
  5. The time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances;
  6. The nature and length of the professional relationship with the client;
  7. The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services; and
  8. Whether the fee is fixed, or contingent on results obtained or uncertainty of collection before the legal services have been rendered.

Attorney-Client Relationship

Merely scheduling an appointment, paying the consultation fee or even receiving a consultation creates no attorney-client relationship between us. An attorney-client relationship is established only after you:

  1. pay a nonrefundable retainer fee, and
  2. sign a fee agreement.