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Law Practice Management

What Clients Want From Their Lawyers

We heard you. Recently, we conducted a survey that asked people what they wanted if they were injured in a truck accident. We got great feedback. We’ll use this feedback to get better and better as a law firm. According to our survey, there are four main things you want from your lawyer. Let’s review what you told us: 1. SPEEDY YET GREAT FINANCIAL COMPENSATION First, a majority said you want great financial compensation for your injuries, and you want it fast. We understand this desire since the accident caused you lots of pain, medical bills, credit damage, lost wages, mental anguish, and often

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The Benefits To Our Clients That We’re Skilled, Smart Trial Lawyers

The Benefits To Our Clients That We’re Skilled, Smart Trial Lawyers Better Offers and Better Verdicts Growing up I watched television shows and movies such as To Kill A Mocking Bird, Perry Mason, and Matlock. These lawyers had very different personalities, but there’s something they shared: they were skilled, smart trial lawyers. Hollywood embellished the trial process, but lawyers during that era were trial lawyers first. Lawyers were expected to know how to try cases well for their clients. The legal profession has changed dramatically. Many lawyers never see the inside of a courtroom.

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